このたび大勢の方々のご協力のもと作成された同宣言が、2022 年6 月27 日開催の学長会議で承認され発布されました。
- あらゆる差別に反対するとともに、すべての人の人権の尊重、個人の尊厳の確立に積極的に寄与します。
- ダイバーシティ社会の実現に向けた活動に取り組みます。
- 社会からの信頼と負託に応えて一層優れた教育研究に取り組むため、構成員の多様性を確保し、その意思決定において多様な意見が尊重されるよう努めます。
- すべての構成員が個性と能力を発揮し、学業、職業と生活の調和を実現できる学修・教育・研究・就労環境を整備します。
- 合理的配慮を必要とする構成員に対する支援体制を整備します。
2022年6月27日 東京都市大学
Tokyo City University Diversity Promotion Declaration
In accordance with our founding spirit "justice, freedom and autonomy," Tokyo City University opposes all forms of discrimination and declares that it will strive to promote diversity so that the human rights, dignity, diverse values and ways of life of all people, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation or gender identity, nationality, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, creed, disability or age, are respected and that all members of the university community are supported in fully demonstrating their individuality and ability.
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Tokyo City University has established the following fundamental policies to promote diversity.
- We oppose all forms of discrimination and respect the human rights of all people and the dignity of every person.
- We will work to realize a diverse society.
- In response to the trust placed in us and the mandate given to us to engage in high quality education and research, we will strive to ensure the diversity of our members and ensure that diverse opinions are respected in our decision-making.
- We will develop a learning, education, research, and work environment where all members can demonstrate their individuality and abilities and achieve harmony between study, work, and life.
- We will develop a support system for members who need reasonable accommodations.
June 27, 2022, Tokyo City University